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Poland Chapter confirms plans for its technical conference set for this April

1/31/2022 – The WAI Poland Chapter continues working on its 9th International Drawing Conference, “New technological aspects of producing wire rods, wires and metal products manufactured using modern metal forming processes,” that is set for April 20-22, at the Hotel GALAXY in Cracow, Poland."

Chapter President Jan Pilarczyk said that preparation for the scheduled event continues, and that despite concerns about Covid, it is expected that it will be held. The conference will focus on modern methods of metal forming and drawing processes and production of wire rod and wire. It will also serve as a congenial gathering site for producers and customers.
The program will be presented in the March issue. The final range of presentations is expected to include: modern cables and wires in the power industry, dieless drawing process for elongation of ultra-thin copper wire, and improvements of mechanical steel wire rod cleaning and surface treatment.

The plenary session will be moderated by Pilarczyk and Prof. Tadeusz Knych, the dean of the Department of Nonferrous Metals at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, who is also chairman of the scientific committee. Attendance for the conference is expected to be about 100 participants.

Four individuals will be honored with the Schneider Memorial Award—the highest such award for Poland at the conference. They include Tom Moran, Brookfield Wire, U.S.; Prof. Beata Smyrak, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow; Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski, Wrocław University of Technology; and Andrzej Karwat, R&D, DRUMET/ WireCo Corp.

The co-organizers of the conference include Pilarczyk; Knych, the 2015 winner of the WAI’s Mordica Memorial Award; and Prof. Adam Zieliński, of the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy. It will also include a tour of plant of TELE-FONIKA Kable S.A. The Conference Honorary Patronage is by Prof. Norbert Sczygiol, rector of the Czestochowa University of Technology.

For details about the different sponsorships available for businesses, and more information, go to the Poland Chapter website at www.msc.wip.pcz.pl.

Read 4932 times Last modified on February 1, 2022

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