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Wire Journal News

Interwire booth sales at wire Düsseldorf raises ‘taken’ floor space considerably

8/2/2022 -  

The 2022 staging of wire Düsseldorf proved to be good for both organizers, Messe Düsseldorf and the Wire Association International, which saw impressive sales for exhibit space at Interwire 2023.

At the end of the June 15 points meeting at WAI headquarters, approximately 65,000 sq ft of exhibit space had been taken. By the end of wire Düsseldorf, 13 more companies had signed up for 9,700 sq ft of floor space at the Atlanta show.

The larger booths included: Honta, 1,500 sq ft; Steel Cable Reels, 800 sq ft; Kabmak, 1500 sq ft; Cimteq, 400 sq ft; Microdia, 800 sq ft; and Frekans Makina SAN, 2100 sq ft. An additional 4,800 sq ft has been taken since wire Düsseldorf, and as of July 19 the total reserved space was 76,400 sq ft.

Other exhibitors have indicated that they too plan to secure a booth, but have not finalized their plans. “Given the timing of the points meeting this year, situated between Wire Expo, WAI’s first trade show since 2019, and wire Düsseldorf taking place the following week, we were happy with the exhibitor response. We are working to accommodate continued requests for space and will likely expand the floor plan to do so,” said WAI Director of Sales Shannon Timme, who along with Sales Manager Gina Guzowski were busy meeting exhibitors at the event. She added that Honta, Kabmak and Frekans all plan to bring equipment to Interwire.

The floor plan shows the Interwire floor plan at this time. The blue shaded booths are still available, and companies that want to exhibit can go to the event website, www.interwire23.com for the latest update.

Companies interested in a booth can contact Timme at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Guzowski at gguzowski@wirenet.

Read 1497 times Last modified on August 1, 2022

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The Wire Association Int.

71 Bradley Road, Suite 9

Madison, CT 06443-2662

P: (203) 453-2777