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Poland Chapter sets new 2022 date for its conference, notes strong industry support

The WAI Poland Chapter has changed the dates for its 9th International Drawing Conference—which had been set for April 20-22—to May 18-20.
The event will still be held at the Hotel GALAXY in Cracow, Poland. Updating the story in the February issue, the theme for the conference is “Modern technological solutions and actual problems of drawing and other metal forming processes.”

Chapter President Jan Pilarczyk said the later date will make it easier for attendees to take part. He noted that it also comes closer to a very important date that will take place in May: the 20th anniversary of the day when the WAI’s Board of Directors approved the creation of the WAI Chapter.

Pilarczyk said that he was pleased with the support the event has had so far from industry. The main sponsors are Drumet, a member of WireCo World Group; Schlatter; WiTechs; the MFL Group; Vassena; and Lubrimetal. Other sponsors include MET-PRIM Sp.
z o.o.; Telefonika Kable S.A.; CMC Poland Sp. z o.o., operating in Poland, a member of the CMC Commercial Metals Group; Witels Albert; and Wilhelm Tatje KG.

The focus for the conference is “Modern methods of metal forming and drawing processes and production of wire rod and wire.” Topics include: selected issues from the theory and technology of the drawing process and other plastic forming processes; directions of drawing technology development in the field of devices, tools, accessories, lubricants and cooling agents; quality problems for ​​production of charge materials, wires and final products; new materials and new application areas for drawn products; and operational issues – ropes, cables, wires, welding wires, springs, etc.

The plenary session will be moderated by Pilarczyk and Prof. Tadeusz Knych, the dean of the Department of Nonferrous Metals at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. Kynch is also chairman of the scientific committee.

Pilarczyk said that a book will be presented at the event that covers the creation of the chapter, looking at how professionals from the private sector and academia teamed up to carry out a shared mission to improve the steel wire industry. Four individuals will be honored at the event with the Schneider Memorial Award—the highest such award for Poland at the conference. They include Tom Moran, Brookfield Wire, U.S.; Prof. Beata Smyrak, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow; Prof. Zbigniew Gronostajski, Wrocław University of Technology; and Andrzej Karwat, R&D, Drumet/WireCo Corp.

The co-organizers of the conference include Pilarczyk; Knych, the 2015 winner of the WAI’s Mordica Memorial Award; and Prof. Adam Zieliński, of the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy. It will also include a plant tour of TELE-FONIKA Kable S.A. The Conference Honorary Patronage is by Prof. Norbert Sczygiol, rector of the Czestochowa University of Technology. More details will be in the April issue, and go to the Chapter website: www.msc.wip.pcz.pl.

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