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Italy’s Danieli reports getting wire rod mill orders from 2 Turkish customers

Italy’s Danieli announced winning two orders for wire rod mills from two separate companies in Turkey.

A press release said that one of the orders is from İÇDAŞ ÇELİK Enerji Tersane ve Ulaşım Sana (İÇDAŞ) for its plant in Biga, Turkey. İÇDAŞ has two other Danieli wire rod lines at the site that have been in operation since 2005. The manufacturer is investing to increase its market share of wire rod coils, and to add more advanced steel grades to its product portfolio. It is designed to produce a wide range of steel grades, inclusive of welding wire, high carbon, cold heading, bearing steel, spring steel, free cutting and alloyed steels, at rolling speeds up to 110 m/sec. Line startup is scheduled for the second quarter of 2021.

The new line includes a ten-pass fast finishing block with the latest technology Multidrives (M2®) configuration; Danieli Structure Control (DSC®) water cooling line; and four-pass reducing and sizing Twin Module Block (TMB®) equipped with an individual drive control system. The vertical coil-compactor will be supplied by specialist Swedish Sund-Birsta, part of Danieli Group.

The second order is from Habaş Sınai ve Tibbi Gazlar İstihsal Endüstrisi, which ordered a new Danieli wire rod line, slab caster electrical and automation system, along with technological packages to be installed in the company’s Aliaga steelmaking plant. The wire rod line will produce a wide range of steel grades/products—and medium-carbon steel, welding wire, high-carbon and PC wire and reinforcement steel—at a maximum rolling speed of 110 m/sec. Startup is scheduled for the third quarter of 2021.

Read 2231 times Last modified on January 4, 2021

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