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The Book of Terms

The Book of TermsThe WJI Book of Wire & Cable Terms: an interactive experience of learning and sharing
This book, written by industry volunteers and containing more than 5,000 entries, is an asset for newcomers to wire and cable.

At the same time, it also represents an opportunity for industry veterans to give back by either updating or adding to the more than 5,000 entries. This is an honor system process. Entries/updates must be non-commercial, and any deemed not to be so will be removed. Share your expertise as part of this legacy project to help those who will follow. Purchase a printed copy here.


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Tank Test

A voltage dielectric test in which the test sample is submerged in liquid (usually water). Voltage is applied between the conductor and the liquid serves as a ground. In some cases, the insulation resistance is also measured while the sample is immersed.


Element, chemical symbol Ta. A by-product of tin processing, this refractory metal element with excellent cold formability is used as a barrier to the corrosion of chemical processing and carbide-cutting tools. Also, used in electronic capacitors and filaments. Melts at 1324°C (2415°F).


1) A special lead brought out from an intermediate point of a coil or winding. 2) A tool use to cut screw threads into a round opening.


A relatively narrow woven or cut strip of fabric, paper or film material.

Tape Cable

A form of multiple conductor consisting of parallel metal strips imbedded in insulating material. Also called flat flexible cable.

Tape Shield

A shield constructed from copper or aluminum (either alone or laminated with a dielectric) and bronze. Tape shields are supplied in flat and corrugated forms.

Tape Wrap

A spirally or longitudinally applied tape material wrapped around the wire, either insulated or uninsulated, and used as an insulation or mechanical barrier.

Taped Insulation

Insulation of helically wound tapes applied over a conductor or over an assembled group of insulated conductors. When successive convolutions of a type overlie each other for a fraction of the tape width, the taped insulation is lap wound. This is also called positive lap wound. A tape that is applied so that there is an open space between successive convolutions is called either an open butt wound or a negative lap wound. Where there are multiple layers of tape indexing refers to the fact that they are started a certain distance from each other along the axis of the cable to assure full coverage. When a tape is applied so that the space between successive convolutions is too small to measure with the aided eye, it is called a closed butt.

Tapered Cooling

Technique to adjust the degree of cooling during the continuous casting operation.

Tapered Drafting

See Tapered Drawing.

Tapered Drawing

A term used to describe the evening of the die pull between blocks on a multi-pass machine. This is accomplished by reducing the reduction of area at each pass based on the increase in tensile strength. Taper drafting evens out the motor loads on a machine, requiring approximately the same power to each block. It also provides better control of the drawn wire temperature.

Tapered Extruded Shape

An extruded shape whose cross-section changes in area continuously over its length or a specified portion thereof.


Process of insulating continuous length, large diameter wires. In most taping operations, two spiral wraps are applied in an opposite direction (cross-wrapped) directly over the conductor. Each tape is overlapped to form a multilayered, void-free covering and heat sealed to produce an integral and continuous wall.

Taping Machine

1) Machine for covering electric cable with tape for insulating pur­poses. 2) Machine that dispenses tape around wire or cable as it enters either an extruder head or stranding machine. The tape is used to isolate the insulation material from the wire or cables.


1) The act of draining molten metal from furnace to ladle. 2) Cutting a screw thread into a hole in a surface.


Surface discoloration of a metal caused by formation of a thin film of corrosion product usually due to exposure to the atmosphere.


Designation for shielded thermoplastic appliance wire.

Taylor Process

A process for drawing very fine wire particularly from non-ductile metals, in which the molten metal is cast into a glass or quartz tube and then drawn down after heating both to a temperature at which the glass or quartz melts.


Designation for Terminal Block.


Designation for thermoplastic insulation and fibrous outer braid, 90°C (194°F) switchboard wire.

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Madison, CT 06443-2662

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